Today was the day we landed in Hanoi. I was so glad to be off that awful flight. The company we flew with – VietJet Air – has to be one of the worst I have flown with. They are a budget airline that flies internationally but doesn’t charge budget airline prices! The plane was […]
काठमाडौ यता म आउछु
I was looking forward to this part of the trip as I had always wanted to go to Nepal. The pictures of the Himalayas make it look amazing. There is just something about mountains and snow-covered ones at that. I was so glad when I had it booked. I was excited for it. I guess […]
मैंने अंततः भारत जाने का निर्णय लिया (दिल्ली/आगरा/जयपुर)
This post, and the two that follow, will talk about our trip to India, Nepal & Vietnam. This trip was a long time coming and it seemed to take a while to come around after we booked it. I think we had about 6 months between booking it and when we were due to leave. […]
I was so glad to get off the plane (especially with the 50-mile taxi from the runway to the gate). The descent was turbulent and absolutely not for me. This was also flight 7 of this entire trip. Flying is cool but very tiresome. We got off the plane and headed to the foreigner fingerprint […]
我们的澳门快速之旅 / Nossa rápida viagem a Macau
Today was the day we left Tokyo. We had to check out of the hotel by 10:00. I asked last night if we could have a late check-out and they said we had to be out by 10:00. Bugger. We were hoping for a couple of extra hours so we didn’t have to wait so […]
In this post, I will concentrate on our visit to Hiroshima and Miyajima (also known as Itsukushima).
I will talk about what we did in each place.
This is a really nice part of the country too. The island is especially nice and I wish we had more time there but time wasn’t on our side for this part of the trip.
In this post, I will talk about the time we spent in Osaka, Universal Studios, Kyoto, and Nara.
I didn’t want to put all of Japan into one post as we were there for 16 days and did so much here.
For a long time, Ken and I have said that we want to go to Japan. It is somewhere that has been on both of our bucket lists. We have also said one cannot go without the other for the first time in Japan. This trip has sorted that. I will talk about the entire […]
მე საბოლოოდ გავედი საქართველოში (თუნდაც ძალიან მოკლე იყო)
Today was the day I left Yerevan for Tbilisi. I had to pinch myself because I was still convinced I wouldn’t make it to Tbilisi. Mind you, I had no choice but to make it because I had no more days booked at the hostel here. I had to get up early to get a […]
My Trip to Singapore with Ken
Singapore wasn’t really somewhere that was on my list to travel to. The next time I wanted to go to Asia was to go to Japan. Ken and I have this on our bucket list so I started to look in earnest for a ticket to Japan. I couldn’t find any that were reasonably priced […]