So, I sent off emails to 5 political parties to find out what their stance is on mental health. The parties contacted were: Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, UKIP & BNP.
The questions I asked were: “I was wondering if you could email me and let me know what your policy is on mental health and what you plan to do with mental health in the future.”
I was quite dismayed by the replies that I received. I will post the various responses in this post and why I was dismayed at them. It is quite alarming that it doesn’t seem to be a forefront issue, especially with the amount of people who will/do suffer with a mental health illness.
Improving mental health is a key public health challenge. Mental health problems are the largest single cause of disability and illness in England, and around one in six people will experience mental ill health at some time in their life…
We are committed to tackling the stigma and discrimination which surround mental health problems through anti-discrimination law and by supporting anti-stigma campaigns, and we will work with other partners to combat ignorance and prejudice so that there is a greater public understanding of the issues and available treatments…