So, I had my 5th visit with the psychologist on Monday. It was an alright visit. It has been about 2 weeks since our last appointment and we started as we always do – by going over the last appointment.
We mostly talked about the night out that I had (as previously documented a few posts back) and also my log/diary ‘The Mentalists Positive’.
I won’t go through the night out again – needless to say it was good and I had a few people over to my house to watch the football and play some Mario Bros Wii.
The Mentalists Positive is a log I have to keep of when I do things for Jamie or myself that go against my belief of me being a bad person. I hadn’t really kept too much of a log as I was having a good couple of weeks. Shame on me I know.
I am doing that again and making a few more entries for my ‘homework’.
We talked about a route back into work, but we decided that someone specialising in employment would be the best person to talk to.
That was pretty much the whole of the session.
Today (25/06/10), I had an appointment with my line manager and also the ops manager for work. It went ok. I had to explain what the illness was doing to me and what I was doing to get help and what help I was getting. I have been asked to see the company occupational therapist – which i’m not too certain whether or not I will. I am apprehensive as it will be a one off phone call and you can’t really judge much from a phone call.
I’ll post again on Monday after the DLA tribunal.