So, the second part of this first exercise is to see how detailed the list was that I put down. It is not a detailed list at all, it is only what I was doing and who I was with.

It now requires me to think over the last 3 – 4 hours of the day and see what I am able to recall about them. Things like, who I was with, where I was, what I was doing.

Here goes:

19:00 – Working, in the bedroom at home, with other members of the team (virtual office)

20:00 – Working, in the bedroom at home, with other members of the team (virtual office)

21:00 – Working, in the bedroom at home, with other members of the team (virtual office)

22:00 – Working, in the bedroom at home, with other members of the team (virtual office)

It is a lot easier to recall details about the last 4 hours than it is from the day before. It seems to me that the previous 4 hours details are more accurate.

I will post again in a day or so another 24 hour schedule as it requires in the exercise.