So, as previously mentioned I had to keep a 24 hour diary of my life to see if I can pinpoint what causes the depression. I have worked it over the last 24 hours (Mon 22 March) I figured that this was a typical day for me.

Here goes:

00:00 – Asleep with Jamie

01:00 – Asleep with Jamie

02:00 – Tossing & turning

03:00 – Asleep with Jamie

04:00 – Asleep with Jamie

05:00 – Tossing & turning

06:00 – Asleep with Jamie

07:00 – Asleep with Jamie

08:00 – Watching TV alone

09:00 – Watching TV alone

10:00 – Watching TV with Jamie

11:00 – Watching TV with Jamie

12:00 – On computer alone

13:00 – On computer alone

14:00 – Getting ready to go to the hospital

15:00 – At hospital getting injection alone

16:00 – At home alone

17:00 – On computer alone

18:00 – On computer alone

19:00 – At work

20:00 – At work

21:00 – At work

22:00 – At work

23:00 – Relaxing after work with Jamie

The next exercise will get me to see how I am feeling while this is going on, for now it just wanted a schedule

Update: I didn’t realise that the first part of this exercise was in 2 parts. I will post the 2nd part of it later.