I must admit, I surprised myself when I decided on Barcelona. Having been there before, it wasn’t somewhere that I had planned to go to again.

I originally had never had Spain on my bucket list, but when we went to Barcelona on our Med Cruise, I kinda fell in love with Spain. I decided that it was a country that I would like to see again.

I generally don’t go to the same place twice (with the exception of a couple of cities), so it was a surprise to me when Barcelona was purchased. It turned out to be a worthwhile investment as I seem to have forgotten a lot of what Jamie and I did when we were there (it was almost 7 years ago though). I remember seeing the fountains in Plaça de Catalunya. I also remember the Christmas market by Catedral de Barcelona. I remember picking up the sightseeing bus by the cruise terminal. It’s not that I had a bad time with Jamie, my memory is truly shocking and this is why I take so many pictures when I am away.

This time round I was with Jason. It was good to show him Barcelona and some of the stuff I had seen before. With regards to getting from the airport to the hostel, I didn’t realise the airport was about 65 miles from the hostel. Oops. The flight itself was good right up until the landing. It was such a hard landing. I was videoing it (as I do with all take off and landing for my anxiety) and when we touched down, the phone jumped and it stopped recording – that’s how hard the landing was.

I had the route from the airport to the hostel all planned out with the help of Google but we became a bit unstuck when we saw the bus departure board as it was 30 minutes out from what Google said. We decided to get some food and come back out in time for the bus. Little did we know that Google was right. We missed it by 15 minutes and waited another hour for the bus. I don’t think we got to the hostel until around 20:30 – bearing in mind that we touched down and disembarked around 15:30.

Once we checked into the hostel, we put our stuff down and then went to find some much needed food. It was not the best as you can see from the picture below. The burger was just pressed sausage meat. YUMMY! After we had our dinner, we headed back to the hostel for some much needed rest ready for the next few days. Jason did say he was apprehensive about the hostel and thankfully his fears were allayed after the first night. That made me comfortable too knowing he wasn’t hating it.

Dinner of tired and cheap travellers!

We had to get up early today so we could check out and get to the train station and get breakfast before heading to the airport.

For me, going home is always a sad day because it means reality is setting back in.

I did make one final faux pas of the trip that did cost money. I took us the wrong direction on the metro for a couple of stops. I pride myself and getting around and I made a boo boo. I blame it on the fact that I didn’t want to go home! Haha.

We finally made it to the train station and to the airport in time for our flight.

Here are all of the pics from Barcelona if you want to see them.