We landed and then I got off as quick as I could and went to immigration. I had to complete a digital landing card and then get a paper printed with my details and photo on. Someone before passport control checked it and waved me through. I thought that was it done. I had to then give the slip to another border agent once I was just about out of the airport.

I was glad to be through and then I needed to get to the train station to get the train to the city. I couldn’t decide on the train or an Uber.

I stopped at a vending machine and got a root beer to help me decide. The train it was. The map was saying I should get to the hostel by 21:45. That was a slight relief.

I got the shuttle train to the train station. Luckily there was a train in already and that was leaving in only 7 minutes so plenty of time to get my Presto card and then get on.

I got on and I was happy to just be on and heading to the city. I read the email again and I had misread what was said in it.

The hostel closed at midnight and didn’t open until 07:00. I had plenty of time to get there and time to spare before closing.

I followed the map guides for the public transport. I ended up getting off the stop before I needed to because I wasn’t properly paying attention.

That’s fine. I don’t mind walking so was happy with that. As I was walking down I saw something on the ground. I couldn’t tell if it was a statue or a person. I stopped to look and got freaked out because I heard movement. It was a huge rat. Yuck.

I got to the hostel and nobody was here. I was getting worried. I was just about to call them and someone came from outside and I was let in.

I sat in reception waiting and then checked in. I was so glad to be here and in the room and just resting. I was so tired by the time I got here.

Toronto Sights

Niagara Falls Sights

  • Today was the first full day I had here in Toronto. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to go to Walmart so I could pick up a few bits and pieces. Other than that I didn’t really know. I figured once I was ready I would go and ask at reception for ideas.

    I got ready and headed down and got some suggestions. I then headed out to the tram. I decided I would first go to Walmart and then head towards the suggested area.

    I forgot how much I love being in the supermarkets in North America. It wasn’t the biggest one but it was still pretty big. I loved it. So much choice.

    I got what I needed and left before I spent more than I wanted to or that I could fit in my carry-on.

    I walked back to the tram and went to the Yonge downtown area and just walked around. I had to reload my Presto card and found a subway station where I could do that. You can’t do it on the tram – very weird.

    The good thing here though is that once you tap in and pay your $3.30, you get 2 hours of free travel for that amount. I was able to get to Walmart and get to where I reloaded my card and it only cost me $3.30.

    I enjoyed the walk around the downtown area. People were looking at me weirdly because I was in shorts

    I was loving it. My legs don’t get cold. I was wrapped up on my upper body though. My hands and arms feel the cold a lot more.

    I was really enjoying just walking around the city. I didn’t have a plan of what to see. I just let my feet do the directing. I’ve started to enjoy that a lot more. I can see way more of a city than I would otherwise.

    I found the Toronto sign so I had to get a picture of that and then I carried on walking.

    One thing I did notice as I was walking around was that Toronto has so many skyscrapers and newer buildings. They are all pretty cool shapes and heights.

    I spied the CN tower so decided I would head to that and would take the long way round to it.

    I went in and had to go through airport-style security. They checked everything in my bag too.

    I then went and got my ticket. They have a couple of options. You can go to the main viewing platform or you can include the higher viewing platform too.

    The main platform is $47. It is an extra $11 for the top platform. These prices are without tax too. With tax it ends up being about $65.

    I really enjoyed being on the main viewing platform. They kept the windows clean and you were able to get some pretty cool shots. One of the ones I liked was that overlooking the lake there. It was frozen with the exception of a path the ferry to the island cut. I will try and get on that whilst I am here too.

    I then went to the top viewing platform. It was much smaller and you couldn’t really get good pictures. My advice would be to just do the main viewing platform. I was glad I did it but I don’t think it was worth the extra $11.

    I went back down and got the obligatory souvenirs and then decided I would head to the harbour to see if I could find the ferry but to also get pictures of the frozen lake.

    As I was heading there I saw a Subway and decided I would get something to eat since I hadn’t eaten since I left Iceland.

    I will definitely go back to the harbourfront whilst I am here.

    I then decided I was cold enough that I would just jump on the tram and go to the end of the line and then make my way back to the hostel.

    I need to have an early night. I am tired and I also need to be up early tomorrow to head to the bus station so I can get the coach to Niagara. I am also contemplating changing my tickets because I am not sure if staying there for 10 hours is a wise idea. Oh well, if I need to I will. I will probably not get back here anytime soon.

    Today has been a really good day. I wasn’t so sure about Toronto at first but it has been good.

    Total steps: 14,840

    Total miles: 6.88

Today wasn’t really much of a day to do anything. I had to check out by 12 and I wasn’t in a hurry to get checked out either.

There wasn’t really much time to do anything but too much time to do nothing. I had some breakfast and then decided that I would go out on the tram to the end of the line and just see what was there.

There was a park at this end of the line. I didn’t really walk around much as it was icy and a tad dangerous. Instead, I just watched the squirrels and the trams.

I didn’t really stay here very long as I didn’t have too much time left before I would need to head to the airport. I had about 2 hours to get back to the hostel and then leave for the airport.

I went and got some fries from a local fast food place. This is the same place I got the Poutine. It isn’t overly expensive and the fries are so crispy and delicious.

I went back to the hostel and they told me to take off my shoes because the salt spoils the wooden flooring. I was going to do it but I was just wiping my feet to get everything off my shoes and the owner said I still had to take them off. I told him I understood the English that was said and that I was just getting everything off my shoe.

I had my lunch and then got my luggage and headed towards the airport. I decided I would get the tram (yeah, I’m still not calling them streetcars) to the metro. From there, I would get the metro to Union station and from there I would get the train to the airport.

One thing I have noticed about Toronto is that the trams are not given the priority they should be. They have the same priority as cars and this makes them run super late. They were running about 20 minutes late yesterday and because of this, the one I needed was packed and I had to push my way off at the stop I needed. Not a fun experience!

I got to Union station and just headed straight for the train to the airport. By the time I got to the airport it was only 2.5 hours before we were due to take off.

As I was sitting there it had started to snow and I was concerned that we would be delayed like we were in Reykjavik. They also had a gate change so I was a little more hopeful. I was also hopeful because Toronto airport is a lot bigger than Reykjavik so de-icing shouldn’t take an age and a day.

We were an hour late leaving because of the snow.

We got de-iced and were on our way. Luckily for us, the flight time was under 5 hours so we still had time to make the connection in Reykjavik to get to London.

I got lucky and had a row that had a middle seat free. I tried to sleep and I think I managed a couple of hours. I am not good at sleeping on planes.

On the way back from Reykjavik, there were only 50 passengers for a 200 seat plane. It was looking well for me. I was able to get the row behind my original seat all to myself. I love it. I could stretch out and not have to feel cramped.

I slept about an hour on this flight and I was so happy to be back in England. I miss my shower and my bed.

I got to the train station at Gatwick and wasn’t allowed through because my train wasn’t due to leave for another hour. I asked if I could sit on the platform and they said not until 12:05.

I spoke with a supervisor and they allowed me onto the platform – only after I asked what was stopping me buying a single ticket to the next station and then getting on the earlier train anyway. It’s so annoying. I just wanted fresh air before the 2.5 hour train journey home!

All in all though, Toronto was really good and I want to come back sooner rather than later. I can totally recommend it too. Do it, book it. What you waiting for!

Total steps: 70,725

Total miles: 32.53

View all of my Toronto media here

View all of my Niagara Falls (Canadian Side) media here

View all of my Niagara Falls (USA Side) media here